jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

Just a story

I want to share with you a fictional story that I wanted to write while I was inspired, it's called: "Mom".

I was alone on the scene. My tremors became completely noticeable for the public. I knew that in any moment I would collapse and the medicine would stop being in my body.

I remember when I was diagnosed, the first thing I said to my mother while crying bitterly was: "I want to do theater." I had that dream since I saw "The Wizard of Oz" together with my mother when I was 5 years old.

She was a saint. While I was losing my conscience and making my situation worse, she took care of my food, my needs and my desires. She little by little had my same desire and enthusiasm for the performing arts, she even got more excited about it. Every time I went down, she encouraged me to practice my scripts, To goe up and train my facets, and when I used to scream that I couldn't.

But there was a moment in which the house began to remain silent, the colors that my mother made shine began to turn gray. She had had cancer in my childhood, and it seemed to have returned with much more strength. I left my problems aside to take care of her, but we both fell slowly into our agonies. A nurse imposed by the government did what she could for both of us, however, she got worse faster than me. I stopped attending the theater rehearsals, I put aside that dream to be with my mother. Her time was running out, and I didn't want to leave her alone.

My disease worsened and my attacks were almost daily. The same day that the doctors gave me a medication that would disguise my problems, they put my mother in ER. I stayed with her all night, and before her little eyes stopped seeing me, she said: "Remember our dream, I love you, my actor". She smiled, squeezed my hand and then it went cold. You have no idea how much I cried ..

Here I am, alone on stage. With the fear that Parkinson's control me again. I'm feeling it, it's coming. But the show must continue. For her.

For you.


lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Caracas Comic Con December 2018

 This weekend, Caracas enjoyed one of the most important conventions in Venezuela for the geek world. Things happened on it as bad as loosing your car or as good as winning the lottery. Every person who assisted can tell completely different stories, but mine is especial because I work there and I can see the magic when it’s happening and the making of it.

  It started on Thursday, I went to the Militaria Circle (I walked a lot because I wasn’t sure about how to get there and the only subway station that I was familiar with was “Los Símbolos”, so there were about 30 minutes walking). I met some of the new guys in the crew and joked around with my old friends in there. Then we started to bring some things that we needed to decorate every spot and corner in the place. At the end of the day I was really tired, hurt and with three nails broken, but I didn’t care because everything looked amazing.

   On Friday everything went well, regardless that I kissed the floor five or six times. At night we had all under control and the Comic-Con looked perfect with all the stands on foot for the day before.

  Saturday and Sunday, nothing much to say besides I didn’t want to get up of my bed and my boyfriend had to force me to do it and take a shower because my muscles hurt as much as if I was in the gym for a week. People loved the convention, and I saw them being excited about everything that they saw. My area was Videogames and every person that went and played were happy and relaxed. I had this beautiful feeling that make me work at the Comic-Con despite of the lack of payment that is making people feel like they’re home, that they don’t have trouble in their houses and their families, and that they are not living In a country that is falling apart every second.

  By now I’m sick as hell, but It really was worth it.

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

First Entry, maybe the hardest

What to write? 
What to write? 

  This question has come to my mind a lot lately when I sit in front of my laptop in order to start writing. However, I decided to start writing about this year and how it affected me and made me grow physically and psychologically (although when I think about "growing physically" I would find it kind of impossible).

  I started my new job at the Caracas Comic-Con, (I will write an entry about it, so no spoilers here), and I had to say goodbye to a lot of friends. It is hard when you have to say goodbye to someone that you thought that he or she would be with you the rest of the year and you would achieve a lot of things together. I really miss them, especially now that my birthday and Christmas are getting dangerously close. 

  I would like to thank my friends that are still here with me, because they helped me handle stress and sadness through the year with some time spend laughing and talking nonsense. Nevertheless, I still feel a hole in my heart because of the people that left; I feel grateful for each and everyone of them because somehow and in some way, they helped me grow as a person.

  What else can I say? I think that this year hurt us Venezuelans really bad, I guess we all have our heart broken and spread out in the whole world with our beloved ones. This year I grow stronger because of them, because I don’t want to worry these people that need to concentrate in the improving of their new lives outside their “Madre Patria”. But one thing that I really wish with all my heart is to see them again in person one day, and not only through my laptop screen.  

 I started to cry, maybe I will end this right here. 

 Hope you like it.